Standard (MS21919W Series) Adel Loop type, cushioned support Clamps
Loop type, cushioned support clamps, commonly referred to as "Adel Clamps" feature a wedge that is bonded to the cushion to prevent the escape of small wires when used for general purpose wire bundle clamping. Meets the requirements of MS21919.
Standard MS21919WDGXX Clamps
Aluminum band with chlorophrene cushion (black with blue stripe)
For use in areas contaminated with petroleum based hydraulic fluids and occasional fuel splash
Ozone resistant
Rated to 212 degrees F
Not resistant to phosphate ester based fluids
Supersedes MS21919-DG series without the wedge
High Temperature MS21919WCJXX Clamps
These blue clamps will not get hard and brittle with engine temperatures. A little more expensive but will last a long time in firewall forward applications.
Corrosion resistant steel band with a blue fluorosilicone cushion
Perfect for use in engine area or other areas with elevated temperature and/or where petroleum based fluid contamination is present
Ozone resistant
Rated to 450 degrees F
Not resistant to phosphate ester based fluids
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