CorrosionX New Fluid Thin Film Coating Technology is specially designed to displace moisture, stop corrosion on contact and to provide long lasting protection and lubrication. CorrosionX penetrates deeply into the tightest seams, lap joints, around screws and rivets. It allows quick and easy dismantling of corroded components and is exceptional in its ability to prevent electrolysis between disimilar metals. It is ideal for exhaust and turbocharger components.
Applications: Apply it to airframe interiors, battery terminals, hinges, cables, wheel hubs, rotor heads and trim drum actuators. It may also be applied to electrical and avionic components such as microswitches, cannon plugs, antenna bases, circuit breakers and buss bars. Avoid direct application to LCD’s, pressure sensitive switches and friction operated devices such as autopilot servos.
Compound conforms to MIL-C-81309E Type II. (Propellant does not conform)